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Who created Side Project Inc.? And why?The concept behind Side Project Inc. was developed by Jeff Fromknecht, David Brown, Adam Causgrove, Anne George, Andrew Miskowiec, Brandon Keller, and Jerome Fitzgerald. In 2009, while in law school, Jeff organized this group, inviting his most civically minded friends to a conversation on how we could best leverage our combined education and experience. Over the the next 3 years the group routinely met, discussed, and planned how to use our eclectic backgrounds and experiences to make the world a better place. We all had volunteered at several small and grassroot nonprofits run by the passion and energy of volunteers. As grant writers, lawyers, accountants, and techies we were often asked to help with administrative side projects. In August of 2012, after 3 years of informally providing support for nonprofits on legal and administrative side projects, we incorporated our idea into Side Project Inc., a nonprofit corporation with the mission of effecting long-lasting macro social change by supporting the nonprofit and philanthropic community.
Are you a tax-exempt nonprofit organization?Yes. Side Project is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code. Side Project Inc. is a Florida nonprofit corporation, registered to do business in both Florida and Pennsylvania.
Is Side Project Inc. a registered charity in Pennsylvania?Yes. The official registration and financial information of Side Project Inc. may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
Is Side Project Inc. a registered charity in Florida?Yes. Our registration number is: CH38645. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the division of consumer serviced by calling toll-free (800-435-7352) within the state. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.
What's the difference between a registered charity, a tax-exempt organization, and a nonprofit organization?"Great question. In a nutshell, a nonprofit corporation is a corporation formed under state law for some type of charitable purposes. None of the profits can be distributed to the Board of Directors or investors. Its purpose is not to make money, but rather to help address a social problem or issue. A tax-exempt organization is an organization that has been granted an exemption from paying Federal tax on income by the Internal Revenue Service. These organizations are typically referred to as 501(c)(3) organizations, although there are actually several types of tax-exempt organizations. Most tax-exempt organizations are nonprofit corporations. Lastly, many states, including Pennsylvania and Florida, have Charitable Registration laws that require nonprofit organizations seeking donations from the public to register and provide financial disclosures with the state.
Does Side Project charge for services?Yes. Side Project Inc. is funded primarily from fees generated through the services it offers. Our fees are based on a sliding scale basis, so please do not hesitate to call us. We also provide pro bono services on a case-by-case basis.
Do you accept donations?Yes. Please contact Side Project's CEO and managing attorney, Jeff Fromknecht, at if you are interested in making a social investment in your community.
How are donations used?Donations are typically used to support legal and operational support for small nonprofits whose budgets make it difficult to hire a full-time layer. Side Project employs skilled professionals who work closely with the organization to build capacity, identify resources, and capture outcomes.
Can I pick the charity that my donation is used to help?Yes. Donations may also be directed to provide support to a nonprofit in the donor's community. Side Project staff will contact the charity and let it know of your gift of legal or fundraising support. If the nonprofit is not interested in any support or services, the donor will be notified and we will either return his or her investment or work with him or her to find another nonprofit to support.
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